Electronic Agenda to store email/web addresses, phone-numbers and text-data (postal-addresses, personal/confidential data etc.). It dials phone/mobile-numbers and launches your eMailer/browser. It can import relevant data from Address Book, Eudora, vCards and ldif/csv formats (i.e. Thunderbird etc.), and export data in vCard and ldif/csv formats (i.e. importable by Address Book, Thunderbird etc.). Supported features: All user-entered data are encrypted, Password Protection, Data-Backup (encrypted), Dialing via modem or through the speakers, Reduced Rate code (012) supplied when necessary, Phone-line security by relevant code, Portability (i.e. moving from a country to another will set the right phone country-code), 'Reminder' function to remind dates/times, Printing of mailing labels and envelopes supported.